We're in this together
As Dr. Niigaan Sinclair (associate professor and department head at the University of Manitoba, Natuve Studies) addressed our Division today, the message was crystal clear, we are in this together. The importance of focussing on relationships, reconciliation, togetherness and unity was the heart and soul of Dr. Sinclair's Presentation.
It is our job as educators to be the game changers for our kids. We need to teach our students to be good, kind-hearted and accepting human beings; this is nothing new. However, we need them to apply these same principles to not only the people they interact with, but issues they will face in current events as Canadians. Dr. Sinclair shared many stories with us today on the notion of perspective. Many times, bias statements and remarks are made of indigenous issues and peoples, without full understandings. As Dr. Sinclair stated, it's important to find the questions within these remarks we might hear. It's important for us as teachers to teach our students to rephrase their confusions and understandings. How do we help our students understand and make sense of indigenous issues? How do we nurture reconciliation within our communities?
I believe that Justice Murray Sinclair says it best;
So, cheers to a wonderful start, knowing that we're in this together, with relationships coming first.
"Seek first to understand, and then be understood." (-Covey)